Chivalry: A Lost Art!!

By Latino.Black Media | 2023-12-20
Chivalry may be dead, but that doesn’t mean we must let it go completely.
Chivalry may be dead, but that doesn’t mean we must let it go completely. Opening the door for a lady may seem outdated, but it’s a timeless gesture of respect that will always stay in style. Unfortunately, this essential art of care has been lost over time. We must make it clear that all men and boys need to keep this tradition intact.
As a society, we have become too comfortable with being comfortable. We must remember that the little things make the most significant impact. Women deserve to feel safe and respected in our presence. And what better way to show them that we care than simply opening a door? It’s an easy way to make them feel valued and appreciated.
I remember when I was out on a date with a woman, and I made sure to open the car door for her. She was surprised and grateful for the gesture. As we drove to our destination, we chatted about how this simple chivalry seemed a lost art. She shared stories of having been on dates with guys who didn’t even bother to hold the door open for her. It made her feel like she wasn’t necessary.
And what better way to show them that we care than simply opening a door? It’s an easy way to make them feel valued and appreciated.
It’s a small gesture, but it can go a long way in making someone feel appreciated.
I’m not saying that women can’t open their doors. Of course, they can. But they are doing it for their shows that we are willing to go the extra mile to make them feel special. It’s a small gesture, but it can go a long way in making someone feel appreciated.
We need to bring back chivalry, and it starts with the men and boys in our lives. It’s not about being old-fashioned; it’s about showing respect and making our ladies feel safe and valued. So, the next time you’re out with a woman, don’t be afraid to open the door for her. She’ll appreciate it more than you know.
In conclusion, as men and boys, we should always strive to show our ladies the respect they deserve. It’s not just about opening doors; it’s about being a gentleman in all aspects of our lives. We must bring back the essential art of respect and keep it alive. And who knows, by doing so, we might make a lasting impression on someone special. So go ahead, be a gentleman, and open that door. It might be the start of something great.